• Dr. Boulmedais Nedsrine Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment (LITE), University Constantine1, Algeria.
  • Bidi Lyes Institute of Science and Applied Technology (ISTA), University Mentouri Constantine 1, Algeria.
  • Pr. Chaib Department of Transport Engineering, Université frères Mentouri, Constantine1,
  • Djamel Nettour Higher National School of Technology and Engineering, Algeria
  • Boukebbab Salim Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment (LITE), University Constantine1, Algeria.
  • Mohamed Salah Boulahlib Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment (LITE), University Constantine1, Algeria.
Keywords: Road accidents, stopping distance, driving simulator, experimental design


Original Research Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.5.1.2

This paper aims to investigate the key factors contributing to road accidents and their interplay. A significant proportion of road accidents can be attributed to non-compliance with speed regulations, in conjunction with vehicle braking components (such as grip, road conditions, ..), as well as weather conditions. We conducted a speed measurement campaign on peri-urban roads in multiple Algerian cities to examine driving behavior and adherence to speed limits. To comprehensively understand the impact of speed, anti-lock systems, weather conditions, grip, and their interactions on a vehicle's braking distance, we employed an experimental design methodology. This approach was complemented with driving simulator tests. We expanded the experimental design to cover a range of speed variations, from 70 to 130 km/h, enabling us to explore the influence of various driving parameters on braking distance. Through statistical analysis of influence coefficients from 16 driving simulator tests, we established a model that represents the relationship between "objective functions" and "influence factors." This mathematical model was validated using simulator results. Our study revealed that braking distance is primarily affected by speed and weather conditions. Notably, the analysis of the road speed measurement campaign demonstrated that 55% of road users fail to adhere to speed limits.


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