• Gojko Setka Faculty of Security Science, University of Banja Luka
  • Petar Djukic PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade
Keywords: police, police system, state, function, security


Research Paper


In order to guarantee security to its citizens and in order to fulfill its security function, the state organizes a security system, and within the security system, a police system. In order for the police to be able to carry out tasks within their jurisdiction, the state provided them with the authority to apply coercive measures (force), which is also a basic element of the recognizability of the police function. In doing so, a modern state must find a balance between the need for internal security and the need to guarantee the maximum degree of respect for the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Therefore, its police system must be organized according to a model that will enable adequate democratic/civilian control over the work of the police, and which, at the same time, will be able to effectively respond to modern challenges, risks and security threats. In this paper, we will deal with the concept of the state in a functional sense, and especially the police-security function of the state, the relationship between security and freedom, and the monopoly on the legitimate application of physical coercion. Also, the aim of the paper is the conceptual determination of the police system, that is, the overview of the genesis of the development of the concept of police and the basic models of the police system in the world. For this purpose, a methodological framework was applied in the form of a review of the existing scientific and professional literature, as well as an analysis of research papers dealing with issues of genesis and comparative analysis of the model of police systems of a modern state.


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