• Giacomo Buoncompagni Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Keywords: local community; journalism; crisis; digidemic; health communication


Research Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.5.2.4

Recent national and international health emergencies have repeatedly highlighted the role that local information must play in synthesizing the various social and cultural policies proposed by public authorities in order to manage panic and correctly represent the living conditions of local citizens, overcoming national media logics that are often based on the speed and spectacularisation of (health) disasters.
By analyzing and comparing the most recent national and international literature on the subject, the article attempts to reconstruct the path taken by community journalism from a socio-media point of view, referring to three perspectives that seem to hinder and at the same time promote community information in the digital society: technological change and the information market; the transformation of the audience; the impact of recent global crises on news traffic. Rethinking these dimensions can transform news reporting into a cultural field capable of creating awareness and an emergency culture among citizens and security for communities in times of crisis.


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