• Vladimir Tomašević Faculty of Engineering Management
  • Luka Latinović Faculty of engineering management
Keywords: cyber operations, cyber mercenaries, cyber-attacks, global threat, computational speed, ICT price


Research Paper

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37458/ssj.5.3.11

As cyberspace became a new arena in geopolitics, state actors nurtured cyber mercenaries as a novel covert weapon. At the same time, technologies that required significant real-time information flows, such as unmanned aircraft systems, were available to a few entities that state actors could hardly overlook. With the advent of cellular network internet speeds, available to citizens, such as 5G and in the future 6G, and 7G, almost anyone with Internet access will be able to handle a tool that can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of mercenary cyber terrorists, not only in the lease of state but also non-state actors. This paper provides a correlation analysis between ICT price trends and the number of cyber-attacks. It was found that there is a strong positive correlation between the Internet access speed and the number of cyber-attacks, as well as that there is a strong positive correlation between the CPU computing power and the number of cyber-attacks. Although no causal relationship has been established, there is evidence to suggest that the number of cyber mercenary attacks will rise with the continuation of cellular network speed rise and ICT price decline.


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