• Gordan Akrap Hybrid Warfare Research Institute
  • Ivica Mandić Center for Defence and Strategic Studies
Keywords: Security science, Knowledge, Society, Hybrid Threats, Whole-of-Society approach, Smart Governance


Review paper

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37458/ssj.1.2.2


In this paper, the authors are discussing the need to introduce
security sciences as a new scientific field within the existing
organization of social sciences. The development of quality, usable, and
functional human knowledge and skills have been guaranteed safe
and undisturbed development of individuals and communities since the
beginning of their existence. The development of society has led to a
change of paradigms on which reflections and analyses about security,
conflict and war rested. This, in turn, brings us to the situation of the
need to change those paradigms of organization, principles, concepts,
and theories of security as a new scientific discipline that should enable
the continuation of safe and unhindered development of human society.


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