• Katarina Stoláriková Research Fellow, Institute for National and International Security
Keywords: security, culture, anthropology, interdisciplinary approach, operations


Review paper


Security is in general closely linked to any activity of individuals and society
as a whole, and bound to social relations, which are always decisive in
shaping the security strategies of individual states. Security is one of the most
important values of society and culture. Security and conflict resolution
should be an object of the interdisciplinary approach. Socio-cultural
anthropology applied in security studies is a valuable and effective source of
knowledge protecting all actors. Only with a proper understanding of the
operational environment with its variables and elements, it is possible to
assure effective and human use of power and military decision-making tools
and methods. While this paper brings the ideas of many authors, sociocultural
anthropology is not that widely used in the military.

Author Biography

Katarina Stoláriková, Research Fellow, Institute for National and International Security

Research Fellow, Institute for National and International Security


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