• Esmeralda Kadena Obuda University
  • Marsidi Gupi University College of Business
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Cyber risks, Human Factor, Impacts


Research Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.2.2.3

Technological solutions in the mobile and digital era are becoming more helpful in informing the population, educational systems, monitoring, tracking the individuals, working, and spending time from home. On the other hand, the valuable information within such systems is posed to risk of breaches at the individual and organizational level. As a result, cyber threats are constantly evolving. A vast number of security incidents and data breaches are associated with the human factor. Respectively, this work aims to highlight the importance of human factors in cybersecurity. Firstly, this article gives a brief overview of the topic and its significance. Then we present the most common risks in the cybersecurity field and their impacts. The third part emphasizes the role of human factors in security and elaborates on the behavioral approaches. Our conclusions are drawn in the last part. To further our research, we plan to investigate behavioral science theories on understanding the influence of human factors in cybersecurity.


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