• GIACOMO BUONCOMPAGNI University of Florence
Keywords: extremism, Europe, media, security, prevention, communication


Research Paper

DOI: 10.37458/ssj.3.2.4

After a health pandemic and an ongoing war, the research context on violent extremism and radicalization in Europe becomes an extremely complex arena.

For years, researchers have been working across different academic disciplines (political science, international relations, sociology, criminology, religious studies, etc.) on specific violent extremism issues using various qualitative and quantitative methods. Despite the high volume of research material, many, both within and outside the academic community, recognize the need to synthesize the scientific literature and take stock of evidence-based research. Much of the academic work on countering violent extremism is based on theories and anecdotes rather than hard data demonstrated through rigorous scientific methods.

As Rohlwing (2016) notes, there is currently a chronic lack of good quality empirical studies and qualitative and quantitative evidence to support - or challenge - common assumptions about countering violent extremism practices and policies. As well observed and described at the RAN Research Seminar, despite compelling academic contributions, there is an urgent need to focus on better quality and interdisciplinary engagement, as well as identifying research on priority issues to prevent and counter violent extremism.

The purpose of this paper presented here is to take stock of research, which is characterized by fragmentation, to identify and fill knowledge gaps, especially in the area of European security policies and inter-state communications from before the new global health and war shocks, which are still ongoing.


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