Research Paper
DOI: 10.37458/ssj.3.2.7
The term Cybersecurity has been in use for a while now. Yet, the current level of technological development of society intensifies its usage. The largest number of requests to change the traditional security agenda goes in the direction of expanding the research of security science in the sector of cybersecurity. A precondition for something like that is the removal of existing unclarities about the theoretical designation and practical value of the concept. That certainly asks for detailed scientific research. In the last decade, a tendency of emphasizing the concept of cybersecurity in the security policy of the European Union has been noted. It mostly follows its implementation in various strategic documents, but also its operationalization and institutionalization within the EU and its activities. Therefore, the topic of this essay is the (re)conceptualization of the term Cybersecurity in the security policy of the EU. The aim is to determine the term and clarify and demystify the concept of cybersecurity as much as possible. Another aim is to look into how the EU, as a specific supranational organization, approaches this concept through its general and special strategic documents, i.e., its entire security agenda. The methodology of this essay is the overview of the existing scientific and expert literature, an analysis of the EU’s strategic and normative framework, as well as documents and reports of the EU institutions. The conclusion should be that the EU recognizes the potential and importance of the concept of cybersecurity within its security policy. However, it is necessary to keep the continuity in work on the definition and operationalization of the concept of cybersecurity, so it would not encompass too extensive range.
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